Kerry Liu is an author headquartered in Los Angeles, CA. She provides writing for children’s ages to teens and adults. She offers an open platform for allowing developers to build custom application on her books. One of them is a line of vases by the famed artist Fred Stodder. The other is a line of plush toys and clothing from a third party. She is open to collaborations and is working with a director on adapting one of her projects to a television series and delights in being one of the most popular writers to work with in 2023. Her main focal point is decorating her stories with anecdotes from the first person and making it delightful by adding whimsical details like brochades from interior designs. “I try to speak of the surroundings how supple and enjoying it is so the reader envelops themselves in a setting worth the book.”
She has one child Thaddeus Braun who is very talented guitarist and studies math and biology and engineering and is a joy to be around. His photo from when she penned “The Sun and the Moon” is provided for Digital Fabulists readers to get a scope of the imagination of her handsome son and how much life he brings to her and how much love her daily life has from her precious gift, Thaddeus. He is a self taught pianist and guitarist and is the epitome of a gentleman.